Chicken Questions

Why keep chickens?
Because they are useful, unlike some friends.

Do you need a rooster to get eggs?
No,  but you need a rooster to have fertile eggs that will hatch. Hens just lay, rooster or not. No one ever seems to understand this for some reason.

What does "broody" mean?
It means a hen likes to set on her eggs, trying to hatch them. The drive varies per breed, and can be quite annoying because the hens stop laying and go into "mother mode", I try to break up the nests quickly so they don't waste time setting on eggs that are not fertile, which none of mine are due to the lack of a rooster. See the question above if you are confused.

Are chickens loud?
My biggest pet peeve is a dog barking uncontrollably, this is far more tolerable.

Vineyard Questions

What kind of varitels do you grow?
Niagara, Concord, Catawba, Corot Noir, Dornfelder, Noriet.

Is having a backyard vineyard difficult?
Yes, it's an absolute pain in the ass. You will fail over and over but just learn from your mistakes and you will get there eventually.